

All the services we offer are listed below. If you need something else, please contact us to see if it's something we can help you with.

Location Service

Location Service

Location Services use cell phone geolocation data to track someone’s location, automated license plate readers to locate their vehicle, and facial recognition software to find recent images that can reveal their location. We also use private databases to find location data linked to their address records, school records, phone numbers, email addresses, death records, business filings, vehicle records, property records, criminal records, voter registration records, employment history records, social media profiles, social security numbers, marriage/divorce records, and recreational/professional licenses.

Surveillance Service

Surveillance Service

Surveillance Services gather photographic evidence of someone’s activities by (a) setting up hidden cameras outside of their residence to learn their schedule and see who comes and goes, (b) secretly following them from location to location - in a vehicle or on foot - to see where they go, and (c) going undercover - using fake identities and believable cover stories - so we can get close to them and obtain evidence of their crimes.

Background Check Service

Background Check Service

Background Check Services use online and offline databases to gather information about someone’s criminal history (court records, police reports, bodycam footage, 911 calls), internet activity (social media profiles, dating websites, software accounts, news articles), and hidden assets (bank accounts, brokerage accounts, investment accounts, vehicle records, business records, real estate records).

Forensic Service

Forensic Service

Forensic Services determine who committed a crime by analyzing DNA (hair, skin, feces, urine, blood, saliva, ejaculate), tools, fibers, ballistics (bullets, gunshot residue, cartridge cases), narcotics, footprints, tire tracks, fingerprints, data / metadata, and electronic devices (phones, computers, smart watches). This may also involve verifying that someone is linked to a crime by secretly gathering DNA samples from the items they discard (bottles, utensils, drug paraphilia, etc).

Polygraph Service

Polygraph Service

Polygraph Services detect lies by placing sensors on the body to measure physiological responses (heart rate, blood pressure, and perspiration) while a private investigator asks questions. To increase the accuracy of the readings, we also use eye tracking (measuring eye movements, pupil dilation, and other visual cues) along with voice stress testing (measuring subtle changes in the way people speak).

Witness Interview Service

Witness Interview Service

Witness Interview Services contact witnesses, ask them questions about the events that occurred, and record everything they say to ensure every detail is correct. Then we type up a statement based upon what they told us, have them review it to confirm everything is correct, and get their signature so it can be submitted to court.

Bug Sweep Service

Bug Sweep Service

Bug Sweep Services find hidden cameras, audio recorders, GPS trackers, electronic harassment devices, and USB chargers that transfer private data. To reduce false positives, we turn off all electronic devices in the area that could transmit WiFi, Cellular, and Bluetooth signals. Then we use radio frequency detectors to scan the area for devices, visually inspect the places where devices are usually hidden, disassemble items/fixtures to search for hidden devices, use snake cameras to search for devices hard to reach places, use infrared cameras to detect devices with night vision capabilities, and use thermal cameras to locate devices that give off heat.

Sting Operation Service

Sting Operation Service

Sting Operation Services provide criminals with opportunities to commit crimes that will lead to their arrest. This is done by either (a) disguising an undercover private investigator as a potential victim for them to commit a crime against, or (b) luring them into a situation, waiting for them at a location, or following them to a location where they’re likely to commit crime and/or violate a court order, or (c) installing GPS trackers and hidden cameras inside of bait items (cars, phones, packages, etc) that they’re likely to steal. Once they attempt to commit a crime, we’ll record their activities and - if necessary - disrupt and detain them until law enforcement arrives.

Influence Operation Service

Influence Operation Service

Influence Operation Services change someone’s beliefs and behaviors for the purpose of stopping their criminal activities. This is done by either (a) secretly feeding them evidence of the crimes so they believe they’re being watched and will be arrested, or (b) providing them with life changing opportunities (new jobs, travel, housing, education, and relationships) - along with free resources and step-by-step assistance - to manufacture a positive life changing outcome and removes the desire to commit crimes.

Process Service

Process Service

Process service - the delivery of legal documents to someone for a court case - involves reviewing the documents you want us to serve to ensure there are no errors, printing and packaging the documents, serving the documents to the person at a time and place where they can’t avoid service, taking photographs of them being served so they can’t claim they weren’t, and providing you with an affidavit of service (which can be notarized and/or submitted to court on your behalf).

Legal Research Service

Legal Research Service

Legal Research Services provide you with information about laws, court procedures, documents/templates/forms, attorneys who specialize in your situation, research on the opposing counsel’s weaknesses, and an analysis of any biases a judge may have that can be used to your advantage.

Court Testimony Service

Court Testimony Service

Court Testimony Services enhance the credibility of your case by having our licensed private investigators testify about the evidence they’ve gathered. This includes reviewing your case to make sure we have all our facts straight before we testify, as well as conferring with your attorney to see if there is anything we need to prepare for before testifying.

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