Below you’ll find answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.


How Much Will It Cost?

We provide guaranteed results for a fixed price. The price will depend upon how difficult we think it will be to achieve the result. We interview you and gather all the information we need to determine the estimated difficulty level, create a custom step-by-step action plan that details how we’ll achieve the result, and then calculate the price based on the action plan.


Will Anyone Find Out?

No, everything we do is confidential. We will never disclose that you hired us, all the information you provide will be securely stored, and all our services are conducted in secret to safeguard you from suspicion and retaliation.


Is This Legal?

Yes, everything we do is legal. We coordinate with law enforcement and attorneys to ensure we’re operating within the bounds of the law and that everything we do holds up in court.